example PMD and admin system implementation
The PHP plugin meta data specification can be utilized in multiple ways, especially just for human-friendly .php script descriptions. So the following implementation is just one possible way to utilize this scheme.
genericphpconfig-0.97.tgz (97K)
Or see test/ for the admin UI. This demo excludes the example app, so configuration impacts cannot be seen here.
Which can:
- Read meta infos from .php plugins.
- Present them in a nice UI, which allows to enable/disable plugins.
- Non-destructively edit a "config.php" settings script.
- Resolve plugin dependencies.
GNU GPL / PD dual-licensed
If you found this useful, have something to comment, then please write.
old versions
genericphpconfig-0.95.tgz (91K)
genericphpconfig-0.90.tgz (77K)
genericphpconfig-0.85.tgz (71K)
genericphpconfig-0.75.tgz (62K)